See a publication list here
Major themes in the Ocean Climate lab:
Ocean Acidification & Coastal carbon flux
California Margin ocean & Climate Records
Ocean Acidification & coastal carbon flux
GEOSPATIAL PATTERNS OF OCEAN ACIDIFICATION AND CLIMATE CHANGE: Collaborative studies with social, natural and physical scientists to understand the geographic patterns of ocean acidification, and how they will impact human communities along the coast. This includes our project with the Lenfest Ocean Program to connect oceanographic & ecological insights about ocean acidification to decision makers, and work supported by CA Ocean Protection Council, NOAA Ocean Acidification Program, and the National Park Service. This interdisciplinary work is led by Esther Kennedy, Meghan Zulian, Sara Hamilton and Rachel Carlson as well as Dr. Eric Sanford and Dr. Brian Gaylord at UC Davis, and is in partnership with Dr. Ana Spalding, Dr. Kristy Kroeker, the Ocean Science Trust and the UC Davis DataLab
COASTAL HABITATS & CLIMATE CHANGE: Ongoing research focuses on seagrass ecosystems and how they modify estuarine geochemistry, store carbon (e.g., "blue carbon"), and ameliorate ocean acidification. This work includes projects led by Dr. Melissa Ward and includes collaborations with former lab members Dr. Alyssa Griffin and Dr. Aurora Ricart.
This work is done in collaboration with the Bodega Ocean Acidification Research Group. Learn more here!
California Margin OCEan & CLIMATE RECORDS
COASTAL ARCHIVES OF CLIMATE: This includes our lab focus on recent geologic intervals - the Holocene and Anthropocene - as key time periods to understand how ecosystems respond to change. Work in this realm includes efforts to understand impacts of environmental change on benthic and planktonic foraminifera, led by former student Dr. Hannah Palmer, and understanding bivalve archives of recent climate and environment, led former student Dr. Veronica Padilla Vriesman.
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